MCA Assessments

MCA Assessment Mailing
The MCA assessment mailing will be mailed out in mid‐ to late January in one envelope.
- If you have an address change, please contact MCA by email: to ensure prompt delivery of your assessment.
What will my assessment mailing include?
- Personalized Assessment Invoice (Non-auto debit customers)
- Personalized Auto Debit form (Existing auto debit customers)
- MCA 2025‐2026/2024-2025 Comparative Budget (Found on Documents tab as part of Homeowner Portal)
- A non‐postage paid # 9 envelope to return your assessment payment and signed proxy form.
- Notice of Annual Meeting / Election of Directors
- Candidate Information
- MCA Board of Directors Election Ballot
- Proxy Form
- Envelope to mail back materials
- 2025 Parking Sticker